Socialization of Gratification and Evaluation Sakernas August 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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Socialization of Gratification and Evaluation Sakernas August 2024

Socialization of Gratification and Evaluation Sakernas August 2024

August 20, 2024 | Other Activities

Tuesday (20/8) BPS Pati Regency held a Gratification and Evaluation Socialization for the August 2024 Sakernas in Bale Ndadah Pati. Before the socialization event, NgoBraS (Casual Chat) was carried out, which has become a routine for employees every Tuesday to Thursday morning.

The socialization event was opened by the Head of BPS Pati Regency, Bob Setiabudi, attended by all Sakernas employees and officers in August 2024.

On this occasion, awards were also given to 3 employees who were selected as Exemplary Statistical Persons (IST) of BPS Pati Regency in 2024.

Next, the Gratification Socialization event was delivered by the Central Java Province BPS Associate Expert Statistician, Harjo Teguh Ilmiana. Harjo clearly conveyed the definition of gratification, the differences between types of Corruption Crimes and Gratification, how to respond to gratification and what gratuities do not have to be reported.

After the socialization of gratuities, the Sakernas evaluation continued with speaker Meryanti Sri Wulandari from BPS Central Java Province. In the evaluation, the progress of completing Sakernas, the obstacles faced, the completion strategy and monitoring the quality of Sakernas data are presented.

With this socialization of gratuities, all employees can better understand the limits regarding gratuities. With the cooperation and commitment of the entire team, it is hoped that the Sakernas data collection target can be achieved well, producing accurate and high-quality data.

In order to add to the excitement of the event, the committee prepared door prizes for participants who participated in answering quizzes given by the presenters and the committee.

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