Development of Sectoral Statistics to the 2024 EPSS Preparation Locus - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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Development of Sectoral Statistics to the 2024 EPSS Preparation Locus

Development of Sectoral Statistics to the 2024 EPSS Preparation Locus

February 22, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #SobatData..
Taking place in the Pati Regency Diskominfo Meeting Room, Wednesday (21/2) a coordination meeting was held as well as the Development of Sectoral Statistics for the 2024 EPSS Locus. The meeting was chaired by the Head of Information and Public Communication at the Pati Regency Diskominfo, Ida Istiani and attended by the BPS Pati Regency Sectoral Statistics Development Team and 2 OPDs will be the locus for EPSS 2024, namely the Pati Regency BKPP and the Pati Regency Archives and Library Service.

This meeting is in preparation for the implementation of the Pati Regency Government's EPSS in 2024, where the 2024 EPSS assessment will be carried out next April. The Internal Assessment Team (TPI) will carry out an independent assessment by completing the web-based Evaluation Worksheet (LKE) for Implementing Sectoral Statistics by linking various representative supporting evidence.

This guidance and assistance encourages OPD Locus to prepare various supporting evidence based on indicators per domain so that the target maturity level for implementing sectoral statistics with a Good classification with an IPS score of 2.34 can be achieved.
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