FGD Preparation of Pati Regency Publications in Figures 2024 and Development of Sectoral Statistics - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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FGD Preparation of Pati Regency Publications in Figures 2024 and Development of Sectoral Statistics

FGD Preparation of Pati Regency Publications in Figures 2024 and Development of Sectoral Statistics

February 22, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #SobatData..
Monday (19/2) BPS Pati Regency held an FGD on the Preparation of Pati Regency Publications in Figures for 2024 and Development of Sectoral Statistics in the Pragolo Room of the Regional Secretariat of Pati Regency. The event was opened by the Regional Secretary of Pati Regency, Jumani, attended by participants from OPD/Services/Agencies/Companies as contributors to the 2024 DDA data and Diskominfo as guardian of sectoral statistical data.

Head of BPS Pati Regency, Bob Setiabudi, in his speech said that DDA Publication is one of BPS's efforts to present quality data that can be used in regional development planning. Also presented regarding recommendations and statistical metadata.

The Regional Secretary of Pati Regency, Jumani, in his speech conveyed the importance of accurate and valid data which is needed to formulate planning and policy making in regional development.

The FGD material was delivered by Sri Rejeki from the Pati Regency Sectoral Statistics and Dissemination Team regarding the discussion of 2024 DDA data, as well as coaching sectoral statistics related to SDI and the importance of statistical recommendations and metadata in the implementation of statistical activities carried out by OPD/Agencies/Departments/Companies and finally socialization data needs survey submitted by Randy Apriansyah.

In this event, awards were also given to the OPD/Department/Agency/Ministry with the category of submitting the most Statistical Recommendations in Quarter IV 2023 and the category of timeliness and responsiveness in collecting DDA 2024 data.

Given to:
1. Pati Regency Maritime and Fisheries Service
2. Pati Police
3. Pati Regency DPRD Secretariat

It is hoped that this FGD can improve coordination and collaboration between BPS and Pati Regency Regional Apparatus in improving the quality of 2024 DDA data and sectoral statistical activities.
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