Inda Sakernas Training February 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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Inda Sakernas Training February 2024

Inda Sakernas Training February 2024

January 18, 2024 | BPS Activities

The National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) is a routine BPS survey which aims to provide basic employment data on an ongoing basis. Employment data is important data to collect because the three main objectives are knowing employment opportunities, unemployment and underemployment, and the population included in the non-labor force category.

This year is the first time Sakernas data has been collected using CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing). Later, officers will collect data via the Fasih application. Officers need a comprehensive understanding before they can go into the field through officer training. Therefore, several Regional Instructors (Inda) were selected who were tasked with providing understanding to officers during officer training in their assigned areas.

The 2024 Inda Sakernas training was organized by the Education and Training Center in collaboration with the Directorate of Population and Employment Statistics. This training includes independent learning as well as Distance Learning/PJJ. PJJ will be held via the Zoom application on January 15-18 2024, organized by BPS Central Java Province. District BPS employee. Two people were chosen to become Inda, namely Dwi Siswanti and Randy Apriansah.

Hopefully the Inda will be able to provide good material to the officers. Officers are expected to always record every phenomenon in their surroundings so that they can better describe employment conditions in their respective districts/cities, especially in Pati Regency.

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