January 26, 2022 | Other Activities
Located at
the New Merdeka Hotel on January 26, 2022, the Central Bureau of Statistics of
Pati Regency held a Sectoral Statistics Development activity towards One
Indonesian Data for Pati Regency which was presented in a Focus Group
Discussion on Pati Regency Data in Figures 2022. In this event, BPS for Pati
Regency invited 32 government agencies/institutions in Pati Regency. Attended
by the Head of BPS, function coordinator, FGD committee, and invited government
agencies, this activity was carried out on time. The purpose of the FGD being
held is that the data presented/generated meets the data standard rules.
Starting with a speech given by the Head of BPS for Pati Regency, Anang
Sarwoto, S.Si., M.M., he conveyed in the forum that it was important to collaborate
with agencies to get to One Data Indonesia, especially for Pati Regency.
this FGD event, the Head of BPS Pati Regency explained about the Statistical
Implementation Procedure for One Indonesian Data. It was explained that
improvements in government data governance were needed for several reasons,
namely the difficulty of finding government data that required optimal
coordination and communication, the differences in statistical data between
agencies due to different concepts and definitions without metadata, and the
need for quality data for planning, monitoring and evaluation of development.
national. Furthermore, he explained that according to PP 51 of 1999 concerning
the Administration of Statistics, that every sectoral statistical survey
operator is required to notify BPS of the plan for conducting the survey, follow
the recommendations given by BPS, and submit the results of the survey carried
out to BPS. From this explanation, it is hoped that government agencies
attending the event will coordinate with BPS to obtain recommendations for
statistical activities before conducting survey activities. Then, it is also
explained about One Data Indonesia, where BPS is the builder of statistical
data which has the task of setting data standards, determining the structure
and standard format of metadata, providing recommendations, conducting
re-examinations, and providing guidance on the implementation of SDI.
The next
event was the presentation of material delivered by Mr. Suparman, S. ST., M.M.
regarding filling in metadata on the sirusa.bps.go.id website. Metadata is
information in the form of a standard structure and format to describe the
data, describe the data, and facilitate the search, use, and management of data
information. With this metadata, it is hoped that the collected data will have
concepts and definitions that are directed to produce quality data. In this
session, the presenters explained the procedure for filling in metadata on the
BPS website in a structured and clear manner. After that, it was followed by
filling out the Data Needs Survey questionnaire by government agencies
attending the event. Towards the end of the event, FGD participants were
invited to have a discussion at their respective tables which had been
previously grouped accompanied by the committee in charge of BPS. This FGD
activity has been carried out smoothly and is supported by government agencies
that have been present in the activity.
Related News
Development of Sectoral Statistics to BPBD Pati Regency
FGD Preparation of Pati Regency Publications in Figures 2024 and Development of Sectoral Statistics
Sectoral Data Building of Through One Data Indonesia Forum
Sectoral Statistics Development [Locus EPSS 2024]
Automatic Data Machine, Data Service Innovation in BPS Pati Regency
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS Kabupaten Pati (Statistics of Pati Regency) Jl. Pati-Kudus Km.3
Telp (0295) 381905
Email : bps3318@bps.go.id