A Training on Survey of Salt Farmers Exchange Price - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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A Training on Survey of Salt Farmers Exchange Price

A Training on Survey of Salt Farmers Exchange Price

February 11, 2015 | BPS Activities

Section of Distribution Statistics held a training on survey of Salt Farmers Exchange Price (NTPG) on February 11, 2015. The training was attended by four enumerators and two field supervisors. Four Subdistrict in Pati Regency that became samples are Batangan, Juwana, Wedarijaksa, and Trangkil. The implementation of this NTPG price survey is to obtain data of salt producers completely and continuously for calculating the index of prices received (It). In addition, the presence of this survey, data of production cost and capital goods related to salt production process can be obtained completely and continously as one of the variables for calculating the index of prices paid (Ib). NTPG can also be used as a proxy to see the level of salt farmer welfare. The survey was conducted every month during February to December 2015. The survey is conducted through cooperation between the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries with BPS Statistics Indonesia.

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