Still remember Sakernas? Yes, Sakernas stands for National Labor Force Survey. Sakernas itself aims to collect basic employment data on an ongoing basis, which is carried out in February and August every year. Sakernas February to estimate provincial/national level employment data. Meanwhile, the August Sakernas is for estimates at the Regency/City level.
What are the indicators produced from Sakernas?
Among them, there are the Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK), Open Unemployment Rate (TPT), Job Opportunity Rate (TKK) and other indicators. These indicators are indicators that often become hot issues among the public.
Based on data from Sakernas results in August 2024, the Pati Regency Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) is 3.87 percent. This figure is down 0.42 points compared to August 2023. Meanwhile, for August 2024 the TPAK was 76.75 percent, there was an increase of 3.65 points compared to August 2023 with a TPAK of 73.10 percent.
Hopefully employment conditions in Pati Regency will improve in the future.
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