SE2026 FGD with Business Associations - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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SE2026 FGD with Business Associations

SE2026 FGD with Business Associations

September 12, 2024 | BPS Activities

Repost @bps_statistics
After last month BPS conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the 2026 Economic Census Draft (SE2026) with ministries/institutions, this time BPS is expanding its reach to get support from business associations. For two days, 11-12 September 2024, BPS conducted FGD Preliminary Discussion of the SE2026 Trial with Business Associations. 

There were at least 14 business associations present at the FGD held in Jakarta. BPS Deputy for Production Statistics, M. Habibullah opened the event with a statement that sparked discussion. "With the new method, it is hoped that SE2026 data will be more complete and community participation will be better. The problem is now completely online. How does BPS identify existing businesses? Of course the ladies and gentlemen in this association will help us," said Habib. On the second day, BPS Deputy for Distribution and Services, Pudji Ismartini, was also present at the FGD. 

The main discussion itself was moderated by the Director of BPS Price Statistics, Windhiarso Ponco Adi. Apart from getting support, Windhi also said that this FGD was built to establish good relations and as a means of communication between BPS and business actors. "Also to look for new ways to carry out the census efficiently and on target by obtaining input and constructive views from business associations," he added. 

Positive responses came from representatives of business associations, who were in principle ready to help and also felt helped by the Economic Census data. "We can help coordinate with business actors under our auspices. Structured public communication from BPS is needed so that this can be informed properly," said Budi Primawan, Deputy General Chair of the Indonesian E-Commerce Association (idEA) who comes from Lazada. 

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