Beautiful Village Development 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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Beautiful Village Development 2024

Beautiful Village Development 2024

August 28, 2024 | Other Activities

Wednesday 28 August 2024, BPS Pati Regency held a Beautiful Village Development, namely the Love Statistics Village. Beautiful Village is a sustainable and comprehensive development of sectoral statistics at the village level. The first development of the Beautiful Village 2024 took place in Sitirejo Village, Tambakromo District, Pati.

This event was attended by the Head of Sitirejo Village, Darsono along with village officials, midwives and posyandu cadres, BPD, Babinsa and the Beautiful Village team from BPS Pati Regency.

This Beautiful Village Development is a statistical development activity for all villages/sub-districts in Pati Regency. This activity aims to provide guidance on sectoral statistics at the district/city level to fulfill village data in a top down manner with the hope of fulfilling the principle of One Indonesian Village Data (SDDI).

One of the aims of the Beautiful Village program is actually to increase competence, literacy, awareness and the active role of village officials and the community in carrying out statistical activities, optimizing the use and utilization of statistical data in the village.

The coaching material was delivered by Erlina Susanti regarding the socialization of the beautiful village program and procedures for presenting statistical data.

In order to make this Beautiful Village program a success, of course full support is needed from all related parties. It is not enough for BPS to be the leading sector in developing statistics, but this program also needs support from the government, from the central government, regional governments to village governments and the community. With support from all parties, it is hoped that this program will be successful and in turn can contribute to the development of Pati Regency.


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