Results of the Second Quarter Data Requirements Survey (SKD). - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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Results of the Second Quarter Data Requirements Survey (SKD).

Results of the Second Quarter Data Requirements Survey (SKD).

August 5, 2024 | BPS Activities

According to the results of the Data Needs Survey on Integrated Statistical Services (PST) BPS Pati Regency Quarter II 2024, it shows that the Service Quality Perception Index (IPKP) using the KemenPANRB Method is 3.7012 (Very Good). IPKP is a measure of the quality of services provided by the BPS PST unit as the public service delivery unit at BPS. The IPKP calculation is in accordance with the guidelines from the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform. The higher the IPKP value, the more satisfied consumers are with the services provided.

Meanwhile, the same survey also produced an Anti-Corruption Perception Index (IPAK) using the KemenPANRB method which showed a value of 3.7820 (Very Good). IPAK is an index used to obtain an overview of consumer perceptions or assessments of anti-corruption behavior in services at PST BPS Central Java Province. The IPAK value which is getting closer to 4 indicates that anti-corruption behavior is increasingly being implemented in Pati Regency BPS PST services.

BPS Pati Regency continues to improve and is always open to receiving input from the community for better services.

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