SeReaL (Monday Sectoral Statistical Literacy) Edition 9 September 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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SeReaL (Monday Sectoral Statistical Literacy) Edition 9 September 2024

SeReaL (Monday Sectoral Statistical Literacy) Edition 9 September 2024

September 9, 2024 | Other Activities

#SeReaL this time examines the National Statistical System (SSN).

SSN is an arrangement consisting of elements of statistical data needs, resources, methods, facilities and infrastructure, science and technology, legal instruments, and input from the Statistical Society Forum which are regularly interrelated, thus forming a totality in the implementation of statistics

Based on the purpose of its use, statistics are divided into Basic Statistics, Sectoral Statistics and Special Statistics and based on the method of data collection, statistical activities are divided into Census, Survey, Compilation of Administrative Products (Kompromin) and other methods.

For further details, see the following post (Instagram @bpskabupatenpati)
and look forward to #SeReaL Monday next week.

#sectoral statistics
#have morals
Badan Pusat Statistik

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