JuLiStik (23 August 2024 Edition) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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JuLiStik (23 August 2024 Edition)

JuLiStik (23 August 2024 Edition)

August 23, 2024 | Other Activities

See you again at #JuLiStik (Statistics Literacy Friday).
Still regarding the data from the 2023 Agricultural Census Phase II UTP enumeration for the forestry subsector which was just released on 16 August.

It is recorded that in Pati Regency there are 12,909 individual agricultural and forestry businesses, the 5 sub-districts with the largest number of businesses are Cluwak, Sukolilo, Gunung Wungkal, Gembong and Tlogowungu sub-districts.

Meanwhile, the number of forestry plantation business households in Pati Regency is 12,678 households, dominated by the same 5 sub-districts (Cluwak, Sukolilo, Gunung Wungkal, Gembong and Tlogowungu sub-districts).

For further information, visit the website https://patikab.bps.go.id/publication.html

#releaseST2023PhaseII results
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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