JuLiStik (August 9, 2024 Edition) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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JuLiStik (August 9, 2024 Edition)

JuLiStik (August 9, 2024 Edition)

August 9, 2024 | Other Activities

This edition of #Julistik (Statistical Literacy Friday) 9 August 2024 is still about the conditions of micro and small industrial businesses (IMK) in Pati Regency in 2022.

There are various types of IMK business consumers, from households, retail traders, wholesalers, companies, to governments. Based on data collection results, there are 317 IMK businesses that supply goods/services to the government and the largest number are to household consumers, namely 8,183 IMK businesses.

Of the total 2,640 IMK businesses serving companies, 2,176 IMK businesses supply more than or equal to 80 percent of their production for the company.

For complete information, visit https://patikab.bps.go.id

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