Evaluation Meeting for Updating Economic Company Directory - SBR 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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Evaluation Meeting for Updating Economic Company Directory - SBR 2024

Evaluation Meeting for Updating Economic Company Directory - SBR 2024

July 29, 2024 | BPS Activities

Monday (29/7) Pati Regency BPS held an Evaluation Meeting for the 2024 Economic Company Directory Updating (Statistics Busines Register / SBR). This event was opened by the Head of Pati Regency BPS, Bob Setiabudi and attended by all officers both as data collectors and field supervisors of 2024 SBR activities.
This updating activity aims to update business and company data that may not have been updated in previous BPS updating or survey activities. 

The agenda for this meeting is to clean SBR data from inactive businesses or companies, eliminate duplicate data, and complete information on variables that are still empty.
With this meeting, it is hoped that the quality of the data collected can be improved, previous SBR data that still has errors/shortcomings can be corrected.

Hopefully with this evaluation the 2024 SBR data can provide more accurate and quality information for economic development policies.

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