2024 DUTL DPP Officer Briefing - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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2024 DUTL DPP Officer Briefing

2024 DUTL DPP Officer Briefing

July 2, 2024 | BPS Activities

Thursday (27/6), BPS Pati Regency took part in the online Briefing for Officers Updating the Directory of Agricultural Companies (DPP) and Directory of Other Agricultural Businesses (DUTL) held by BPS Central Java Province. The briefing was attended by 7 participants from BPS statistical and organic partners.

In 2022, the DPP and DUTL Updating has been implemented as a series of activities for the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) and has produced a DPP and DUTL directory which is used as a prelist for the ST2023 Complete Enumeration activity.

In 2024, the results of the ST2023 Complete Enumeration of the UPB and UTL populations will be updated to obtain the Agricultural Company Directory (DPP) and Other Agricultural Business Directory (DUTL). The results of the DPP and DUTL will be used in routine data collection every year as well as to determine the distribution of agricultural companies and other agricultural businesses.

DPP DUTL data collection will be carried out from July to August 2024.


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