Kartini Day Commemoration Ceremony - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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Kartini Day Commemoration Ceremony

Kartini Day Commemoration Ceremony

April 22, 2024 | Other Activities

Monday (22/4) BPS Pati Regency held a Kartini Day commemoration rally which was attended by all employees, both WFO and WFA. The participants in the roll call were all female employees of BPS Pati Regency. This shows that women and men have the same position and opportunities in BPS Pati Regency.

Apple Supervisor, Eny Setiyaningsih conveyed the message from Apple Supervisor from the Deputy for Distribution Statistics and Services of BPS RI, Pudji Ismartini.

In his message, Pudji invited all fellow BPS employees throughout Indonesia to celebrate Kartini Day. Hopefully today's Kartini will always excel and be enthusiastic about spreading benefits.
In his message, he also stated that 2024 is a transition year for BPS's big agenda, namely from the 2023 Agricultural Census to the 2026 Economic Census.

At the end of the apple there was special excitement at the commemoration of Kartini Day, namely the distribution of special gifts from the 'Kartono' to the 'Kartini' of BPS Pati Regency. Next, the gifts are unboxed together.

Finally, the selection of the 3 best Kartinis of BPS Pati Regency, and Erlina, Ika and Zullfa were chosen as the Best Kartinis of BPS Pati Regency.

Happy Kartini Day to all Indonesian women!

#Kartini's day
#emancipation of women
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