EPSS Training Phase 2 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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EPSS Training Phase 2 2024

EPSS Training Phase 2 2024

March 29, 2024 | Other Activities

In the context of Evaluation of the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS) 2024, BPS Pati Regency along with BPS Districts/Cities throughout Central Java took part in the 2024 EPSS Training Phase 2 which was held online by BPS Central Java Province on March 26-28 2024.

The training was opened by the Head of Central Java Province BPS, Dadang Hardiwan and attended by the Provincial/Regency/City BPS Implementation Team and the Regency/City BPS Agency Assessment Team (TPB) throughout Central Java.

In his direction, Dadang said that the aim of the EPSS training was to equalize perceptions regarding EPSS assessment, provide the same understanding between implementation teams, between assessment teams, and between quality assurance teams so that the assessment is expected to be more objective. On this occasion, he also conveyed the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of EPSS 2023 which had run smoothly and successfully.

By holding this training, it is hoped that the implementation of EPSS 2024 in Central Java Province can be carried out well.


#Sectoral Development
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