Data collection for Susenas March and Seruti Quarter 1 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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Data collection for Susenas March and Seruti Quarter 1 2024

Data collection for Susenas March and Seruti Quarter 1 2024

March 2, 2024 | BPS Activities

Hello #SobatData
BPS is currently carrying out data collection from the National Socio-Economic Survey or known as SUSENAS. Yep, Susenas data collection started on February 19 and ended March 5 2024, previously the household updating stage was carried out on February 1-10 2024. Susenas was carried out semi-annually, namely March and September.

Susenas is one of the important BPS surveys which is also known as "The Mother of Surveys". Why is that? because Susenas is a source of household socio-economic data which produces various important indicators such as the poverty rate, Gini ratio, HDI, education indicators and various other indicators.

This SUSENAS data has become the main basis for development planning to be implemented by the government, especially regarding the social and economic conditions of the community.

Apart from Susenas, another survey that is integrated with Susenas is the Quarterly Household Economic Survey or known as SERUTI. Seruti is carried out every quarter to obtain household economic statistics in the form of income values ​​and patterns, consumption and non-consumption expenditure, investment and household financial transactions.

In order to ensure the quality of household data collection results, field supervisors accompany officers at the start of data collection. This was done to minimize errors both during interviews and when filling out the enumeration questionnaire.

Hopefully the Susenas results can truly depict the true socio-economic conditions of the people of Pati Regency.
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