Sakernas Household Update February 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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Sakernas Household Update February 2024

Sakernas Household Update February 2024

February 8, 2024 | BPS Activities

The National Labor Force Survey or abbreviated as Sakernas is one of BPS' routine surveys which is carried out twice a year, namely every February and August. Through this survey, employment indicators are produced, such as the open unemployment rate (TPT), labor force participation rate (TPAK), employment opportunity rate (TKK), working population, etc.

The stage before enumerating sample households is household updating, which aims to provide an overview of the number of households in one census block. Apart from that, to update the existence of the household, whether the household was found, changed the head of the household, moved within/out of the census block, joined another household, new and not found households. Household updates are carried out door to door, this is intended to ensure the accuracy of the population data that will be collected.

Field supervision is also carried out to monitor the quality of updated data, and help resolve problems encountered by enumerators during data collection. This update is carried out using the CAPI method and the results of the update will later be used as a basis for sampling.

In Pati Regency, the number of Sakernas samples for February 2024 was 19 census blocks, with 10 officers (7 PCLs and 3 PMLs). The updating schedule is January 25 - February 8 2024. Thank God, the updating stage in Pati Regency has been completed and will continue with the enumeration of sample households starting on February 15 2024.

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