Innas Susenas Training March 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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Innas Susenas Training March 2024

Innas Susenas Training March 2024

January 17, 2024 | BPS Activities

In order to prepare for the implementation of the March 2024 National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas), BPS Pati Regency took part in the March 2024 Susenas National Instructor (Innas) training held online by BPS Central Java Province.

Innas Susenas March 2024 training was carried out in 2 stages, namely Independent Learning (MOOC) on 10-12 January 2024, followed by interactive class learning on 15-17 January 2024. Two Innas Susenas candidates from Pati Regency, Wahyu Rini Astuti and Ika Maulina Aditia.

The material presented during the lesson includes an explanation and understanding of the SOP for implementing the March 2024 Susenas, the concept of definition, operationalization of the application, procedures for filling out the March 2024 Susenas, and an understanding of the socio-economic indicators produced from the March 2024 Susenas for Innas Candidates as a provision for teaching officers Susenas field March 2024.

Susenas is used to oversee the 2024 Presidential Instruction (Inpres) regarding extreme poverty. The household sample in the March 2024 Susenas is still a panel, this is used to calculate extreme poverty and its dynamics. The dynamics are how extreme poor people become not poor or vice versa and this can be answered when the households are panelized.

The quality of Innas will determine how officers can understand the same concepts and definitions so that it is hoped that Innas can help officers in solving problems during enumeration in the field.

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