KSA Integrated Tiling Survey Application Transition Briefing in 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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KSA Integrated Tiling Survey Application Transition Briefing in 2024

KSA Integrated Tiling Survey Application Transition Briefing in 2024

January 15, 2024 | BPS Activities

Rice production data is one of the strategic data produced by BPS. Rice production data was generated from a tile survey using an area approach, namely based on an Area Sample Frame (KSA).

In order to optimally support the need for data collection, BPS has changed the mode of data collection, from Paper and Pencil Interviewing (PAPI) to Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI).

In 2023 the application used will be ICS, while in 2024 there will be a transition from ICS to the FASIH application.

Monday (15/1), BPS Pati Regency held a briefing on the transition to the 2024 KSA Integrated Tile Survey Application. The briefing was opened by the Head of BPS Pati Regency, Bob Setiabudi, attended by participants from BPS organics and statistical partners as field officers.

The material was delivered directly by the Head of the Pati Regency BPS Agricultural Statistics Team, Karyadi, regarding the tile survey, KSA and the transition of the tile application to KSA.

By utilizing technology, it is hoped that it can trigger successful statistical business processes and improve data quality at BPS.

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