Pati Regency's HDI is getting better, reaching 73.59 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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Pati Regency's HDI is getting better, reaching 73.59

Pati Regency's HDI is getting better, reaching 73.59

January 11, 2024 | BPS Activities

The Human Development Index or commonly abbreviated as HDI is an indicator that can be used to measure the government's success in developing the quality of life of society, such as health, education and income.

Pati Regency's HDI in 2023 reached 73.59, an increase of 0.45 percentage points or growth of 0.01 percent compared to the achievement in 2022 of 73.14. Pati Regency's HDI in 2023 will increase due to an increase in all its constituent components.

In terms of education, children in Pati Regency who are aged 7 years and over in 2023, have the hope of enjoying 12.96 years of education or almost the same as the length of time it takes to complete education up to high school or Diploma I level. The average length of schooling for people aged 25 years and over also increased by 0.01 years, from 7.79 years to 7.80 years in 2023.

In terms of health, babies in Pati Regency born in 2023 have the hope of living up to 76.39 years, 0.07 years longer than those born in the previous year, 76.32 years.

Meanwhile, in the dimension of decent living standards, real expenditure per capita (adjusted) for the people of Pati Regency in 2023 will reach IDR 11,385,000 per year, or an increase of 3.99 percent compared to the previous year of IDR. 10,948,000 per year. This condition shows that people's real expenditure per capita is starting to increase again.

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