January 4, 2024 | BPS Activities
At the beginning of 2024, Thursday (4/1), BPS Pati Regency carried out the internalization of the BOS application and Official Manuscripts. Internalization was delivered by the Head of General Subdivision, Agus Slamet Rupingi and Yulaikah.
The BOS (Back Office Selindo) application was designed due to the dynamic development of regulations regarding budget and financial management issued by the government in an effort to achieve good governance, so proper understanding is required from the managers.
BOS is an integrated information system consisting of Budget Management, Finance, Expenditures, Procurement, Personnel which simultaneously runs at the Central and Regional levels. BOS supports daily transactions or operations in managing planning, implementation, reporting as well as budget monitoring and evaluation.
Although the presence of this BOS seems to increase the workload, because there is already a SAKTI application from the Ministry of Finance. Hopefully the BOS application will continue to run on the principle "Applications are created to make work easier, not to duplicate work.
Apart from BOS, to improve orderliness, efficiency and effectiveness of administration, it is also conveyed regarding the Official Document Procedure (TDN). TDN is a regulation regarding the type, arrangement and form, manufacture, security used in official communications. For example, making index numbers for official letters, archive classification codes, invitation letters, assignment letters, official documents and so on.
#data makes the nation smarter
#internalization of BOSS
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BPS Kabupaten Pati (Statistics of Pati Regency) Jl. Pati-Kudus Km.3
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Email : bps3318@bps.go.id