July 12, 2023 | Other Activities
Wednesday (12/7), several BPS employees of Pati Regency took part in a blood donation event held by the Healthy Family Hospital in collaboration with PMI Pati Regency. This activity is routinely held every Wednesday of the second Sunday.
This activity was carried out by the hospital, as a form of the hospital's commitment to improving the quality and quantity of services to the people of Pati and its surroundings.
Let's donate blood!! By donating blood, in addition to nourishing the body with renewable blood, it can also save the human soul.
Healthy Greetings!
#blood donors
#care to each other
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS Kabupaten Pati (Statistics of Pati Regency) Jl. Pati-Kudus Km.3
Telp (0295) 381905
Email : bps3318@bps.go.id