PNS Inauguration and Oath Taking - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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PNS Inauguration and Oath Taking

PNS Inauguration and Oath Taking

October 25, 2021 | Other Activities

BPS Pati Regency has held the Inauguration Ceremony and PNS Pledge Taking on Monday (25/10) yesterday. The inauguration ceremony and the taking of the PNS Pledge were addressed to six employees of the Pati Regency BPS, which was led directly by the Pati Regency BPS Head, Anang Sarwoto and as witnesses, namely Suharto (Head of General Subdivision), and Karyadi (Production Statistics Coordinator), and also witnessed by Moh. Djuned Widodo as PPK Officer. The six employees who were sworn in and sworn in are Yuli Sri Niswatin Saadah (Treasurer), Dwi Handayani (General Subdivision Staff), Widianingsih (Social Statistics Function Staff), Erlina (Distribution Statistics Function Staff), Rumisih (Production Statistics Function Staff), and Ariawan (KSK Winong). The event took place at the Pati Regency BPS Hall and was attended by local structural officials. The event took place at 10.00 WIB and went smoothly and wisely.
Taking the oath of oath of civil servants is not only a requirement or a formality, but has a more important meaning and a heavier responsibility. PNS oaths and promises that have been uttered and pledged become a complete moral responsibility, not only to the government, agencies, and society, but more importantly to God Almighty. From the taking of the oath, it is hoped that all employees who have been inaugurated and taken the oath can carry out their duties and mandates properly and be responsible in accordance with their respective duties and functions.
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