A Ceremony to Celebrate the National Statistics Day 2014 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pati Regency

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A Ceremony to Celebrate the National Statistics Day 2014

A Ceremony to Celebrate the National Statistics Day 2014

September 26, 2014 | Other Activities

BPS Statistics of Pati Regency held a Ceremony of National Statistics Day celebration on September 26, 2014. The ceremony was led by the Head of BPS Statistics of Pati Regency and attended by all employees and Dharma Wanita Persatuan (Women’s Organisations). The theme for the National Statistics Day 2014 was "With the Spirit of National Statistics Day, We Attract the Public Participation in the Development of Statistics". In accordance with the mandate of the Chief Statistician of BPS Statistics Indonesia, Suryamin, that the National Statistics Day was realization of society that has awareness of statistics by having interest in statistics and willing to be interviewed. He appealed to the whole range of the BPS to face the demand of statistics, cooperation, and assistance from both domestic and abroad. In the areas of administration, the BPS has recently received the Trophy Bandha Tadya Abiwada from the Ministry of Finance for the achievements as the best agencies in the Management of State Property (BMN), ranked second in the utilization of BMN and ranked third in terms of Compliance Reporting BMN.


            On that occasion, the head of BPS Statistics of Pati Regency also handed a plaque of appreciation to the Coordinator of Statistical Subdistrict for the Achievement (KSKP) namely Mrs. Evi Wahyu Wulandari and Medal of 20 years work period to Mr. Parnadi. The event continued with a cut cone and enlivened with various competitions such as eating crackers, inserting a pencil in a bottle, bringing the marbles in the spoon race, racing to break the water in a plastic bag. There are prizes for the champion I, II, and III. Hopefully, the Ceremony to celebrate the National Statistics Day was able to ignite the whole range of BPS Statistics of Pati regency, especially in building quality data in the Pati Regency accurately.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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